AITO: The Association of Independent Tour Operators

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33 holidays match your criteria.

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An expert-led gulet cruise exploring the archaeology, culture and gastronomy of some of the must fascinating and beautiful Greek islands tour.

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A spectacular expert-led gulet cruise from the famous island of Samos south through the entire Dodecanese chain, including eleven of the most beautiful and evocative of the Greek islands and no less than three UNESCO-listed World Heritage sites.

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An expert-led archaeological, cultural and gastronomic tour of Sicily with Peter Sommer Travels.

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“The Emerald Isle”, “the Island of Saints and Scholars”, “the Home of the Rainbow” - so many clichés have been used to describe Ireland, all of them based on some element of truth and none of them sufficient to capture the enormous fascination of this most unusual island. At Peter Sommer Travels, we are excited to present Exploring Ireland.

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An expert-led 2-week gulet cruise along the turquoise coast of Turkey, exploring archaeological, historical and cultural sites, wineries and the region's wonderful gastronomic heritage.

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An expert-led gulet cruise combining walks along the Lycian Way, rated by The Sunday Times as one of the ten best walks in the world, with archaeological, cultural and gastronomic adventures in Turkey.

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A chance to visit some of the biggest and best preserved classical cities in the world, travelling by traditional wooden gulet on the Aegean coast of Turkey.

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An expert-led archaeological and cultural gulet cruise exploring the virtually untouched coastline of ancient Lycia, on Turkey’s breathtaking turquoise coast.

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An expert-led archaeological, cultural and gastronomic tour exploring the Peloponnese in Greece.

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We are proud to offer this spectacular expert-led tour of Crete. Discover the legendary island with Peter Sommer Travels.

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