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Northumberland – Dark Skies
Northumberland – Dark Skies Overview
Explore Northumberland: the most northerly and sparsely populated county of England and for many a best kept secret.Northumberland: the most northerly and sparsely populated county of England has all you could wish for and more – spectacular scenery and wildlife, a stunning coastline, empty roads, friendly people, superb food and peace and quiet. Northumberland’s past is far from peaceful and its turbulent history is evident throughout the county: the Romans, the Vikings and the Border Reivers have all left their mark and the countryside is dotted with strategically placed castles, more than any other county in England. It is also known as the Cradle of Christianity due to its many significant religious sites. But it’s not only the past we can learn from in Northumberland. Future space exploration will be helped by the exciting programme of stargazing events on offer throughout the year. Rural Northumberland has recently been designated International Dark Sky Park gold status and is the largest protected dark sky area in Europe.