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Cumbria Way by Mickledore Travel

The Cumbria Way travels mainly along the valley systems where possible and therefore avoids the high fells over much of its length. It passes over Lakeshore paths, ancient green lanes, and pathways at the bottom of steep sided valleys.
There are two sections in the higher fells, and these are both on well established paths. Between Keswick and Caldbeck, over the flanks of Skiddaw, and between Langdale and Borrowdale, over Stakes Pass. The route allows you todiscover the heart of the Lakes, with striking views of Lakeland's high fells.
The Cumbria Way travels mainly along the valley systems where possible and therefore avoids the high fells over much of its length. It passes over Lakeshore paths, ancient green lanes, and pathways at the bottom of steep sided valleys.
There are two sections in the higher fells, and these are both on well established paths. Between Keswick and Caldbeck, over the flanks of Skiddaw, and between Langdale and Borrowdale, over Stakes Pass. The route allows you todiscover the heart of the Lakes, with striking views of Lakeland's high fells.