AITO: The Association of Independent Tour Operators
Journey Latin America

Aztecs, Mayas and Conquistadores Traveller Reviews

Reviews of Aztecs, Mayas and Conquistadores

Overall Holiday Rating
Excellent 12
Good 0
Average 0
Poor 0
Terrible 0
Reviews Submitted: 12
Reviews Accepted: 12
Reviews Rejected: 0
12 reviews
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Aztecs, Mayas and Conquistadores by WHM, 4 Jan 2017
Holiday Rating:

14-day tour of Mexico

Group tour of Mexican ruins and geographical areas. I learned that Mexico was more that "sun and beaches"

Group tour of Mexican ruins and geographical areas. I learned that Mexico was more that "sun and beaches"

Rating for tour operator:

Journey Latin America had put together a well organized itinerary that allowed us to experience the culture and food of several Mexican regions, as well as learn about and climb some of the ruins. The guide who accompanied us through out the trip was excellent.

Aztecs, Mayas and Conquistadores by William, 16 Nov 2016
Holiday Rating:

Excellent intro to Mexico, particularly the ancient Mayan and Axtec ruins (Eagle tour)

Very well organised trip, and superb tour leader. The itinerary was varied, although very busy. Very informative, and a mix of Mayan ruins, understanding of indigenous people, and some other sites to add variety to the journey. Always good drivers (minibus tour) and always good local guides with a passion for their subject. The size of the group (12 people) worked well too - or perhaps we were just lucky with our travel companions! However, ...

Very well organised trip, and superb tour leader. The itinerary was varied, although very busy. Very informative, and a mix of Mayan ruins, understanding of indigenous people, and some other sites to add variety to the journey. Always good drivers (minibus tour) and always good local guides with a passion for their subject. The size of the group (12 people) worked well too - or perhaps we were just lucky with our travel companions! However, I think our tour leader, Jessica, would have pulled a group together anyway.

Rating for tour operator:

As above. A delightful character who always made the day go better. Clearly well organised and prepared, but she was always quick to spot any problems developing and sort them out, whether it was a problem with an order in a restaurant, or noisy neighbours in a hotel room, or one or two members struggling with the steep steps of the pyramids at the archaeological sites. She also knew enough about the sites we visited that if we missed/did not understand something from the local guide, she could add the extra information or explain about it later - she knew her patch well and enthusiastically.