AITO: The Association of Independent Tour Operators

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24 holidays match your criteria.

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The mountain ranges of Bulgaria offer fine highland scenery and excellent walking opportunities. Old-fashioned farming methods and a lack of industry result in unspoilt landscapes rarely seen in Western Europe. Late summer is the perfect time to make our 13-day comprehensive tour of this little-known land.

  • Holiday duration: 13 days
  • Price from: £3,228
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Kudu’s new tour (20 - 31 August 2024) explores great Brick Gothic churches and cathedrals in Hanseatic League ports on the sea and the Vistula river; castles built by the Teutonic Knights and iconic sites in the life of Nicholas Copernicus in northern Poland. We walk on forest trails and take boat trips on the Elblag Canal and the Baltic Sea.

  • Holiday duration: 12 days
  • Price from: £3,043
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Walking in Romania - the Painted Monasteries, Transylvania & the Danube delta - offers an in-depth exploration of 'old' Romania, with excellent walking in unspoilt landscapes of Transylvania, Moldavia and Bucovina and a boat-based excursion in the Danube Delta. Running 3 - 14 June 2025 (max 14 guests), when wildflowers are at their best.

  • Holiday duration: 12 days
  • Price from: £3,043
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Menorca, Island Walks for Birds, Flowers & Prehistoric Taulas is a gently paced walking tour of this lovely small island, focused on spring wildflowers (especially orchids), bird watching & prehistoric monuments. Running 3 - 10 May 2025, a maximum of 14 guests stay in a exceptional historic hotel and enjoy superb cuisine and wines.

  • Holiday duration: 8 days
  • Price from: £3,043
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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This 9-day walking tour takes you to Anglesey, the island anchored on the northwest corner of Wales by Telford’s suspension bridge and Stephenson’s Britannia bridge. From megalithic ruins to Druidic battles and the re-emergence of the Welsh language and culture, we journey through time and space to explore the past of Anglesey and its inhabitants.

  • Holiday duration: 9 days
  • Price from: £2,936
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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We begin in Cordoba, visiting 8th century Mezquita and the Cathedral within it. We walk in the Sierra Subbéticas and the Alpujarras to see castles, ‘white villages’, olive groves and vineyards which lie along the historic route to our ultimate goal, Granada and the magnificent Alhambra. Optional extension to Seville is available.

  • Holiday duration: 8 days
  • Price from: £2,915
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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We stay in a 12C Chateau hotel (4 star), with a 1st class restaurant serving classic cuisine and wines. We walk on ancient drovers’ paths through natural rock formations above the gorges of the rivers Tarn & Jonte & visit mediaeval priories and villages. Running from 22 - 29 June 2025, this 8 day trip costs from £2,766 with a max of 14 guests.

  • Holiday duration: 8 days
  • Price from: £2,766
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Following in the Footsteps of Patrick Leigh Fermor in Greece is a highly original 11-day tour dedicated to the celebrated writer. We begin in central Athens, then travel to the monasteries of Meteora, Missolonghi with its Lord Byron associations and the southern Peloponnese.

  • Holiday duration: 11 days
  • Price from: £2,766
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Walking in southern Morocco in the Spring is a delight - the almond trees are in blossom, the sun is warm but the air is still cool and there are views of the snow-covered Atlas mountains above. Running from 25 Feb - 8 Mar 2025 (maximum 14 guests) the trip costs from £2,766 pp sharing and features spring wildflowers and walled mediaeval kasbahs.

  • Holiday duration: 12 days
  • Price from: £2,766
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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Tenerife has an appealing climate all year round. The unspoilt interior has good paths and mule trails in dramatic mountain scenery, ideal for a winter-sunshine walking getaway. Our 9-day itinerary offers 5 half-day walks in the Teno Mountains, Mt. Teide National Park and the Anaga Rural Park. Running in Nov '24, the tour costs from £2586.

  • Holiday duration: 9 days
  • Price from: £2,586
  • Operator: Kudu Travel
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