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Nepal by Indus Experiences

As the early morning mists rise from the valleys stunning vistas appear: a landscape framed by majestic Himalayan Mountains, their peaks snow bound and glowing softly in the dawn. Precipitous slopes, covered with forest or high pasture with Yaks lazily grazing. Narrow winding tracks linking remote villages, with chimney smoke hazily mingling with the ethereal mist; awaken in the soft morning light. Then, deeper into the country, tortuous paths appear, leading to some of the most spectacular trekking country in the world.
Glorious Newari Medieval architecture and superb Buddhist Temples feast the eyes. Temples, Pagodas, Palaces: all breathtakingly beautiful vie for the eye.
As the early morning mists rise from the valleys stunning vistas appear: a landscape framed by majestic Himalayan Mountains, their peaks snow bound and glowing softly in the dawn. Precipitous slopes, covered with forest or high pasture with Yaks lazily grazing. Narrow winding tracks linking remote villages, with chimney smoke hazily mingling with the ethereal mist; awaken in the soft morning light. Then, deeper into the country, tortuous paths appear, leading to some of the most spectacular trekking country in the world.
Glorious Newari Medieval architecture and superb Buddhist Temples feast the eyes. Temples, Pagodas, Palaces: all breathtakingly beautiful vie for the eye.