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Castles of the Rhine
Castles of the Rhine Overview
A self-guided walk along the spectacular Rhine Gorge, with lots of castles to stay at or visit.The Romantic Rhine in style
The spectacular Rhine Gorge is justifiably famous, not only as a vital waterway but as inspiration to painters, poets and composers for centuries. The steep-sided valley is clothed with vineyards and forests, with a fairytale castle around every corner. Some of these fortresses are now the meagre ruins of a medieval stronghold, while others are grandiose 19th century concoctions in a gothic style.
Walk through historic riverside villages, then climb up high for panoramic views of the valley and the distant barges and ferries bustling to and fro below, and of course visit and stay in the castles.
This is a holiday designed for comfort, with some very special castle hotels, the opportunity for fine dining accompanied by the local Riesling wines, and walk-shortening options if you happen to over-indulge a little!
See our alternative 'Rhine Valley' holiday for slightly more challenging walking, but less castle stays!