Raising funds to train Mountain Guides in Tanzania
In 2018 Discover Adventure and our travellers raised over 800 GBP to support two porters through a guide training programme in Tanzania.
We believe that supporting the training and advancement of our local support team is a positive way to encourage sustainable tourism, give something back to the community and benefits us and our groups. This has been a personal project for our Managing Director and his wife for several years, and in 2018 we decided to offer our passengers the opportunity to be part of this.
By making some simple changes to our booking process we were able to offer our passengers the option to donate towards this project. Our aim was to raise sufficient funds to provide training for two porters and by April we had enough money raised to pay for the first semester for the two identified students. To date we have now collected sufficient funds to ensure that the second semester can be guaranteed thus enabling them to complete their training and improve their career/employment prospects.
The two guides, Amos and Elineka, have both made a really good start and we look forward to hearing when they have qualified and what they intend to do next. One of the things which kept the momentum up for the office was receiving personal letters from each outlining what they were studying and how they were getting on. This really brought home to us the importance of supporting learning and progression in developing countries and that the donations were making a real difference in someone’s life and future.
“[…] we have the great pleasure to write you email sharing our happiness from our heart that are attributed with the support of learning we get it from you, we want to let you know we are doing very well with our studies and we have to attend college all days […]”
We would really like to make it easier for our passengers to help support this project in the future and aim to make further changes to our IT system to allow for this.