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Nepal by Bamboo Travel

With eight of the world’s highest summits in a small country the size of England and Wales, Nepal is a nation that is both physically and spiritually bound to the Himalaya. Earth’s giants lie tantalising close to sub-tropical lowlands and nowhere can be as alluring for mountain-lovers, either for adventures such as trekking and rafting or to simply absorb the panoramas in comfort from the foothills. There is however much more to discover in this charming country beneath the peaks. Spiritual places abound throughout Nepal, with mystical Hindu and Buddhist monuments never far away. The medieval cities of the Kathmandu Valley are some of the best preserved in the whole of Asia, and rural villages
With eight of the world’s highest summits in a small country the size of England and Wales, Nepal is a nation that is both physically and spiritually bound to the Himalaya. Earth’s giants lie tantalising close to sub-tropical lowlands and nowhere can be as alluring for mountain-lovers, either for adventures such as trekking and rafting or to simply absorb the panoramas in comfort from the foothills. There is however much more to discover in this charming country beneath the peaks. Spiritual places abound throughout Nepal, with mystical Hindu and Buddhist monuments never far away. The medieval cities of the Kathmandu Valley are some of the best preserved in the whole of Asia, and rural villages welcome visitors with open arms allowing a glimpse of everyday life.
In the south dense jungle lines the lowland border with India, and National Parks provide sanctuary to exotic bird species and rare mammals including the one-horned rhino, tiger, bison and wild elephant. Yet one of the most endearing elements of a holiday to Nepal is the friendly local people in their colourful traditional dress, greeting you with warm smiles and interest wherever you go.